STD Testing Specialist

Theodore Gerard A. Caspe, MD
Family Practice Physician & Aesthetic Medicine located in Rancho Cucamonga, CA
An estimated 19 million people contract a sexually transmitted disease (STD) every year. Many STDs are asymptomatic and go undetected, so Theodore Gerard A. Caspe, MD, encourages STD testing for anyone who’s sexually active. He offers testing in the comfort of his Rancho Cucamonga, California, clinic. A quick test can tell you if you have an STD, so you can begin treatment right away. If you live in the Inland Empire and you’re sexually active, schedule an STD panel today.
STD Testing
Why is it important to test for STDs?
Many STDs exhibit no symptoms, so you may not even know you’re infected. It’s important to get tested even if you don’t feel sick; most STDs are easily detected and treatable. Left untreated, these infections can lead to irreparable damage and continue spreading to other partners.
Am I at risk of contracting an STD?
Some behaviors put you more at risk for certain STDs than others. These are some of the most common STDs, as well as the most common method of contracting them:
- HIV: anal or vaginal sex without a condom; sharing drug needles
- Hepatitis A: ingesting food or drink contaminated by fecal matter; not being vaccinated; sexual contact with someone who is infected
- Hepatitis B: sexual contact or sharing needles with someone who is infected
- Hepatitis C: sharing needles with someone who is infected
- Herpes: sexual contact with an infected partner
- HPV: any sexual activity
- Chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis: any sexual activity
- Bacterial vaginosis: women contract this from sexual activity with new or multiple partners and from douching
- Trichomoniasis: vaginal sex
How does my doctor test for STDs?
Based on your sexual history, Dr. Caspe recommends specific tests. A few quick, simple lab tests can determine whether or not you have an STD, including the following:
- Urine test or penis/cervix swab for chlamydia and gonorrhea
- Blood test for HIV, hepatitis, and syphilis
- Tissue scraping or blister culture for herpes (although a negative result doesn’t always mean you don’t have it)
- Pap and HPV test for HPV for women (no HPV test exists for men)
How can I protect myself from getting an STD?
Knowing your and your partner’s STD status can help you stay healthy and make sensible choices. Have an open and honest conversation with Dr. Caspe about your sexual activity so that he can provide the best treatment and prevention guidance.
Getting vaccinated for HPV, Hepatitis A, and Hepatitis B before becoming sexually active is the best way to prevent those particular diseases. Consistent, correct condom use also helps to prevent the exchange of bodily fluids that leave you susceptible to STDs.
Abstinence from anal, oral, and vaginal sex is the only way to avoid STDs completely; however, sexual activity with a single uninfected partner, always using condoms correctly, and abstaining from injectible drug use all significantly reduce your chances of contracting an STD.